Archive for 2011
being away from home
0Monday, August 22, 2011 by norelle & co.
This has hands down been the hardest day of my life. I left for school this morning, had Norelle and Daryl on my mind throughout the day; yet I stayed busy with school work. But as soon as I left class, the tears came-a-streamin'! I think it was the thought of going back to my empty hotel room. Classes are insanely intense, and keeping me busy, but thank goodness for Skype. Seriously. I would either have insanely expensive long distance phone bills, would drive back and forth and exhaust myself, or die; literally die. Kudos to parents who have to travel for work. I don't know how you do it. This is only 2 weeks for me (with them coming for a visit on Wednesday, and me going home after class on Friday). But seriously, Skype, I love you more than you'll ever know.
I love you so much baby girl (even though I have been acting more like the baby today!). Let's just hope my eyes will return to their usual shade of white, and my Rudolph nose will go down in time tomorrow!
Category being away from home
the things we must do
0Friday, August 19, 2011 by norelle & co.
This has been a very interesting and busy week for my family and I. We were lucky enough to be able to head up North again, and Norelle had a great time swimming in the lake and pool. This trip wasn't about wanting to get away, but needing it. This upcoming Monday, I will be starting the first of two "mini sessions" for my Masters of Education. I am going to be gone Monday-Friday, which means no family (and little blogging)! I know that it will be a huge adjustment being away from Norelle, but I suppose I will survive. After all, this is something that I really want to do, and cannot wait for.
Wish me luck, as I'm sure I'll need it being away from my baby girl. Sunday night's bedtime routine with Norelle sure going to be a weepy one!
how to survive being away from your child
0Monday, August 15, 2011 by norelle & co.
I've always been a (sort of) stay at home mom. After Norelle was born, I took a year off school to stay home with her, and the September following her first birthday, I started to go back to school part time two evenings a week. It was definitely a huge adjustment; a lot harder than I anticipated. My mind was always on her, and as she got older and actually asked for my time herself, it was even more difficult!! But, I made it, and graduated this past Spring. I have always felt so extremely lucky to have been able to stay home with her, and it is something that I would never have changed. I toyed with the idea of putting off furthering my education even more, by putting off teachers college; but I thought, what the heck, I'll apply and see what happens. What happened is, I got in.
I am so excited to become an (official) educator {I say official since aren't all us mom's and dad's educators!?}. Teaching is something I've known I wanted to be since I was little (which sounds cliched), but I remember sitting in my first actual history class in grade 6 and knowing this is it; this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am even luckier to be going to a school that the majority of the "in-class" in only two days a week! But for 2 week at the end of the summer, I will have to attend 8:30-5pm Monday-Friday. Since I will have to travel to the US, it involved a bit of a drive (not too bad though), but I've heard it includes a lot of group projects, etc. I had originally planned to just drive home every night, and maybe stay over the Wednesday night if I was starting to feel burnt out. A friend, who has gone to the same school, informed me that I would be crazy to commute, since I'll have so much stuff to do. So I made the decision that it's best for me to stay the week. The only thing that is getting me by.... is that my husband, who is also a teacher, is still off on summer holidays then, so he will be able to come visit me with our daughter!
Have any of you moms (or dads) out there ever have to spend a lengthy amount of time away from your child? How did you cope and get by? I'll be thanking my lucky stars for my long distance minutes and Skype, that's for sure ;)
Category school, stay at home mom
the oxygen mask principle
0Friday, August 12, 2011 by norelle & co.
We all love Etsy; it's no secret. Not only is Etsy great for finding homemade, vintage, and fun pieces, they offer a blog, How-To Tuesdays, and a online community. While looking through Etsy's blog, I stumbled across this article in their parenting section.
Category oxygen mask, parenting
0Wednesday, August 10, 2011 by norelle & co.
Here in Hamilton, there are many of us who love the old beauty of the downtown core. For years it lacked funding and interest, but thankfully, attention is finally being paid to an area that well deserves it. James Street North in Hamilton is full of vintage shops, media stores, pubs, cafes, restaurants, and art galleries. Every second Friday evening, they hold "Art Crawls" where the local businesses stay open until 11pm or later, and galleries feature different artists. My sister-in-law and her best friend own the sweetest little shop, White Elephant, which features the most amazing and creative window displays at each art crawl. Also, don't forget to check out and follow their blog, Love It A Lot.
This year Art Crawl is expanding and holding their 3rd annual Super Crawl, which will be taking place on Saturday September 10th from 1pm-12am. A huge section of James Street North will be closed off for a free evening of art and music. Two stages will be set up with bands such as: Broken Social Scene, Junior Boys, Said the Whale, Dinosaur Bones, Young Rival and Monster Truck.
What is also exciting, one of my best friend's is going to be debuting his new company, Food Troubadour. He will be making up smoked pulled pork sandwiches and coleslaw, and even if pulled pork isn't your thing; don't forget to stop by his tent to fill out a ballot to win gift bags, or a gift basket.
Not only will Super Crawl be taking place on September, but also the Canadian Country Music Awards Fan Fest just up the street at Jackson Square, and the Locke Street Festival just a short transit ride away. So Come out on September 10th and for some free fun, and support local artists, shops and musicians!
Category food troubadour, hamilton, supercrawl, white elephant
ten things
0Friday, August 05, 2011 by norelle & co.
It's no secret; I LOVE Fall. It is hands down my favorite season. One of my most favorite things about Fall; sweater weather. I love warm Fall day, when you can still get away with shorts, and the cooler pants and a t-shirt days. Here are some cheap fashion inspirations for this upcoming Fall season.
1. Forever 21 Cowl Neck Panel Top $21.80
2. Forever 21 Basic Woven Shorts $12.50
3. Forever 21 Knotted Suedette Cone heels $29.80
4. Forever 21 Wayfarer Style Sunglasses $6.80
5. Forever 21 Sophisticated Briefcase Bag $41.80
6. Forever 21 Woven Flounce Top $21.80
7. Forever 21 Cuffed Twill Skinnies w/ Belt $27.80
8. Aldo Shoes Masloski Bootie $80.00
9. Forever 21 Olive Green Nail Polish $3.80
10. Forever 21 Metallic Braid Headband $1.50
I really think that 5 & 9 are two items that will carry you throughout Fall. I'm sure that I will have even more inspirational Fall inspired pieces again soon!
ps. Sorry if you though that I disappeared. First to blame was a debilitating back spasm, then was a much needed last minute vacation North.
Category 10 things, fall, fashion, inspiration
mabel's labels
0Wednesday, July 27, 2011 by norelle & co.
Can you believe summer is almost half way over?! Now, my Miss. Norelle isn't quite school aged yet (she'll start junior kindergarten next September), but I can't help but think of all the supplies she'll need. I always remember my mom labeling everything of mine; we even had a special fabric marker handy in one of our kitchen cupboards in case she needed to label something of mine quickly.
Labeling is a smart way to keeps kids stuff organized, and to insure they come home with the right stuff! As much as my mom's marker trick worked for me as a kid, many kids clothes now a days have ironed on labels, and the marker would bleed right through ruining the clothes; boo!
If thinking of labeling is stressing you out... have I found the site for you!? Mabel's Labels is a increditible online store FULL of iron-on labels, waterproof labels, shoe labels, clothing labels, baby labels, ALLERGY labels, household labels, stationary products... you name it, they have it! Their designs are so cute, and colourful; trust me, your kids won't be embarassed of these labels!
Why not help your life be a little less stressful and get more organized, all while helping out a great cause. As for Summer slowly disappearing, soak it up while it's here!
Category mabel's labels, organizing
bread dip recipes
0Monday, July 25, 2011 by norelle & co.
Who doesn't love a late night snack? We all have those nights when we are craving something munchy while relaxing. I generally don't like turning to chips, pretzels, etc. (but I do have a weekend for popcorn from my Whirley Pop). Maybe it's the Italian in me, but I love dips for bread. These simple dip recipes are a staple in our house, and make for great late night snacks with some fresh bread (and maybe even a glass of wine!).
2. Add tomatoes, oregano and basil, stir together. Cook over low-medium heat for 10 minutes. 3. After sauce thickens, add water, stir. Cook 5 minutes longer, remove from heat, and stir in sugar to taste.
4. Add any spices, salt & pepper if you feel necessary. Finish by stirring in fresh basil.
2. Use 1 tbsp of mixture (or more if you'd like) in a small bowl and pour in olive oil until you get desired amount. Mix together and serve.
The marinara is also great with pasta, sprinkled with fresh parmesan cheese. Enjoy these easy recipes next time you're looking to munch!
Category italian bread dip mix, late night snack, marinara, recipe
butterbeer cupcakes
0Friday, July 22, 2011 by norelle & co.
Last weekend was one of my best friend's birthdays, but she pushed back her celebrations since we were away last weekend (talk about feeling special!). I've been trying to think of the perfect cupcake to make for her birthday. I considered doing some fondant, but figured I would run out of time. She loves Harry Potter, Twilight and anything to do with anatomy! Since I figured human organs would make for some weird cupcakes, and our male counterparts would never let us live down making them eat Twilight cupcakes, I figured Harry Potter cupcakes were the best bet.
I have never read the Harry Potter books, nor have I seen any of the movie's past the first, so I had to do a little bit of research. Apparently the drink, "Butterbeer" is quite popular in the books, and has even been created to sell at the Harry Potter theme park. I found a neat and easy recipe on amybites for her Butterbeer cupcakes. Here's how they turned out!
Category butterbeer, cupcake toppers, cupcakes, Harry Potter
Wednesday, July 20, 2011 by norelle & co.
I'm recently new to pinterest. I've heard of it a while ago, but recently, it has become an addiction. Pinterest is a place to post pictures of DIY's, clothes, food, drinks, inspirational images, things you love, etc. which you can place in a titled grouping of your own images relating to one another. Others can 'repin' your images on their page, and the best part; not only are the images usually amazing and inspiring, there is a link to the how-to or original image. You can find the pinterest's etiquette here.
Here are just some of the stuff you can find:
But seriously, can't you see how a girl can get addicted?
ps. Please take care of yourselves in this heat. Thursday is supposed to be 47C here; a total scorcher. Make sure you keep cool, especially your little ones, and don't be afraid to call for help for others if you think they could be in distress.
Category diy, nailpolish, pinterest
what a weekend
0Monday, July 18, 2011 by norelle & co.
We had an incredibly busy and amazing weekend. Our friends wedding went so perfect; the bride looked so beautiful, and groom handsome, and Norelle did absolutely amazing for her first time being a flower girl!
wedding relaxation
0Friday, July 15, 2011 by norelle & co.
Today we are leaving for 2 of our very good friends wedding. My husband is a groomsmen, and my daughter is taking her stab at being a flower girl! I'm secretly really nervous that she'll chicken out and not want to walk down the isle. I've been trying to amp her up about it by showing her YouTube videos of little flowers girls, but her first response was, "I'm too little to do that"! Uh oh, we'll see how it goes! I have faith in her and I'm sure she'll do great!
The wedding is going to be held at the magical Taboo Golf Resort in Muskoka, Ontario, Canada.
Isn't it breathtaking?! It is such a beautiful venue for a magical day. With amazing food, a golf course, spa, children's activities, and it being right on the lake, it's going to be a special and relaxing weekend for us. An early congratulations to Wendi & Rich, we are so thankful to be able to take part in your special day.
Here's to love and happiness,
Category taboo golf resort, wedding
pick your plum
0Wednesday, July 13, 2011 by norelle & co.
As many crafters know, as much as there may be the desire to craft, it's sometimes hard to think of inspiration. We often turn to blogs and magazines for inspiration, and sometimes you can find that ideal DIY, but then you think to yourself, 'WHERE the heck to I get the supplies for this?!". Since my daughter was born, I've been a big fan of Baby Steals, Kid Steals, and Baby Half Off. Luckily, I found the crafters solution to these sites, Pick Your Plum.

You can go onto their website, sign up, and receive daily emails giving you a heads up on the amazing deals for crafting supplies. They give great inspiration, and for the prices, and it wouldn't hurt to order lots of stuff from them, just to have on hand for all your crafting needs! There has even been products that were FREE... YES FREE!! Also, if for any reason you aren't happy with your purchase, they will accepts returns within 30 days of you receiving the item, no questions asked. Talk about great customer service!
My advice, since they post at 7am, check out the site early so you won't be disappointed! Why not go in on an order with a friend to save shipping costs (even though they're super low too!).
Happy Plummin'!
Category craft supplies, pick your plum
keeping organized with a moleskin
0Monday, July 11, 2011 by norelle & co.
I never expected that my life would be as busy as it is (all welcomed of course). But for only 3 of us in our family, and my daughter only being 3, it's surprising how quickly our days fill up! My husband and I are both organized, but he lacks one thing that I have; a great memory. He's pretty good at remembering most things, but just in case, we have a monthly calendar that we write everything down on, just to keep track.
I have the Blackberry Bold 9780, and he has the new google phone the Nexus S, so they come with great calendars built within them, but I am still a sucker for writing my stuff down. I love little daily planners that I can carry around in my purse, I can have handy to get out with everything in it.
Life can be busy, complicated, and amazing. Try to make it a little easier by keeping organized, and don't forget to schedule time in to *italics* relax.
Category moleskin, organization, planner
Butterfly Cupcakes
0Friday, July 08, 2011 by norelle & co.
On Tuesday, I went out shopping with my mom and N. We ended up in Home Outfitters, browsing around, where my mom found something that she had been telling me that she saw in The Shopping Channel, and almost bought for me. It was the Cupcake Carousel.
Everyone knows that I heart making cupcakes. Finding a good, sturdy, travel container for them is hard to find, especially one that won't wreck the icing and decorations. So as an early anniversary gift, she bought me the Cupcake Carousel.
This makes me think of the Butterfly Cupcakes I made for N's Butterfly themed birthday party. I decorated our backyard by hanging big butterflies on fishing wire, made centerpieces of artificial grass, flower pots with flowers and lanterns.
I found the instructions for making these butterflies at Annie's Eats. They were super easy and fun to make (I even made them a couple days in advance and kept them in the fridge to save me some time).
I can't wait to whip up a batch of cupcakes and make a special delivery to someone! Anyone want some cupcakes ;)?!
P.S. How cool is this?!
Category butterflies, cupcakes
diy dresser make-over
0Wednesday, July 06, 2011 by norelle & co.
After months of sitting in our garage, calling my name, she's finally done. This was my first ever make-over, and I am pretty happy with how this $50 dresser turned out.
DIY Dressser Make-Over
Here is what I did to get her looking in tip-top shape for her great reveal (further below in this post!).
Step 1: Remove hardware. (Fill in any holes or knicks with woodfiller if need be).
Step 2: Sand, Sand, Sand. I used a sand brick, since it was easier for me to grasp than sandpaper. Don't forget to wipe your surface down after, since you'll have little dusty pieces all over the place!
Step 3: Prime. Since I wasn't sure what type of paint was originally used on the dresser, I went with Zinsser's Bulls Eye 1-2-3 Interior Primer-Sealer-Stain Killer, since I was advised that it will work on both latex and oil paint. I did 2 coats of primer, just to be sure it covered all of the pink, since I would be painting it white.
Step 4: Paint. I used CIL Dulux that I had at home in Wedding White. Then applied two coats with a Foam Roller brush (which I HIGHLY recommend since it will make your life easier).
Step 5: Protect. I used Varathane Diamond Wood Finish, Water Based Crystal Clear protectant. I used water-based protectant since I used latex paint. I followed the directions of the 3 coats, each within a few hours of one another, that I again applied with a foam roller.
Step 6: Spray paint your hardware. I used Rust-oleum Painter's Touch Winter Gray Gloss. Check out my post on tips, where I explained a trick for painting knobs evenly. Also, when painting the pulls, stick toothpicks on each side hole to prop up the handle, so when you paint it, it would leave a mark on the base.
Next, wipe surfaces with a damp cloth once protectant is completely set, line with drawer liners if you'd like and.....
Drum roll please.......!
I am so happy with how it turned out, and how well it fits at the foot of our bed. I plan on putting some vases (maybe milkglass), a tray, and a picture frame or two on it. And soon we will have my homemade headboard up. Pictures to come!
The moral of this story is; do not let the look of a piece scare you. Hot pink would have turned many people off, but I saw past that and could see the potential it had, and am so happy that I made it over.
Category bedroom, diy, dresser, latex paint, makeover, spray paint
diy felt flower pillow
0Monday, July 04, 2011 by norelle & co.
Norelle has been in her "big girl" bed and room for almost a year now I think. I was so excited to transform her room into a room that was somewhat little girlish, but had potential to grow with her as her style changes. I knew that I wanted to paint her room a light green, and was so pleased to find Behr's "Key Lime".
It is a super fresh green, without being too 'baby' pale or too bright. I found a bedding set at Target that is hot pink damask, a pink lamp from Homesense, and pink curtains from Wal-Mart, and it really brought the room together. We have Norelle's glider in her room from when she was a baby (which she gets more use out of now reading books with us, as she never needed to be rocked to sleep), and her room has been lacking some fun pillows.
Category bedroom, diy pillow, keylime

- norelle & co.
- we all have places go to, things to do, and people to see. i am a mom, a forever student, a soon-to-be teacher, an earth sympathizer, and a want-to-be do it yourselfer. this is the way i see life, with all the things i love about it.