the oxygen mask principle
0Friday, August 12, 2011 by norelle & co.
We all love Etsy; it's no secret. Not only is Etsy great for finding homemade, vintage, and fun pieces, they offer a blog, How-To Tuesdays, and a online community. While looking through Etsy's blog, I stumbled across this article in their parenting section.
This article talks about life from a parenting perspective and how we all try to be super mom's and dad's, but we are in serious risk of burning out. Caleb (the author of the article), says how date night's are not a luxury, but a necessity in his household. As much as we want to do everything for everyone else first, it all comes down to the oxygen mask principle; just like when you're in an airplane, put your mask on first, THEN others around you. Because without you getting your 'oxygen', you'll be no use to anyone else around you.
I love being there for my daughter, family and friends; but sometimes I need a little Allison time, or just Allison and Daryl time. Also, please check out my blog again next week, as I will be in desperate need of advice; how to survive a Monday-Friday away from your child.
Don't forget, you were a Sarah, Elizabeth, John or Matt before you were "Mom" and "Dad"; don't let one overshadow the other, it's all about balance, and keeping your sanity.
Category oxygen mask, parenting
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- norelle & co.
- we all have places go to, things to do, and people to see. i am a mom, a forever student, a soon-to-be teacher, an earth sympathizer, and a want-to-be do it yourselfer. this is the way i see life, with all the things i love about it.