Butterfly Cupcakes
0Friday, July 08, 2011 by norelle & co.
On Tuesday, I went out shopping with my mom and N. We ended up in Home Outfitters, browsing around, where my mom found something that she had been telling me that she saw in The Shopping Channel, and almost bought for me. It was the Cupcake Carousel.
Everyone knows that I heart making cupcakes. Finding a good, sturdy, travel container for them is hard to find, especially one that won't wreck the icing and decorations. So as an early anniversary gift, she bought me the Cupcake Carousel.
Ain't she cute?!
This makes me think of the Butterfly Cupcakes I made for N's Butterfly themed birthday party. I decorated our backyard by hanging big butterflies on fishing wire, made centerpieces of artificial grass, flower pots with flowers and lanterns.
I found the instructions for making these butterflies at Annie's Eats. They were super easy and fun to make (I even made them a couple days in advance and kept them in the fridge to save me some time).
I can't wait to whip up a batch of cupcakes and make a special delivery to someone! Anyone want some cupcakes ;)?!
P.S. How cool is this?!
Category butterflies, cupcakes
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- norelle & co.
- we all have places go to, things to do, and people to see. i am a mom, a forever student, a soon-to-be teacher, an earth sympathizer, and a want-to-be do it yourselfer. this is the way i see life, with all the things i love about it.