0Friday, June 24, 2011 by norelle & co.
Whether you've watched the show or not, we all know if we consider ourselves a Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha or Miranda. Though Sex and the City has taught us many lessons about being single and fabulous, and married life, and we cannot forget one of the most important lessons the girls have taught us; no matter how busy your life gets, ALWAYS make time for your girlfriends.
I am so extremely lucky to have close girlfriends, whom I consider sisters. We each live very different lives, and have lived in different cities, but we've always managed to make sure we make time for one another. For us, the last Sunday of every month we have a girls breakfast, SATC style.
We gossip, reminise, tell stories, laughter, tears, share good food and each others company. I seriously don't know what I would do without my girls. We have a very special relationship and I can rely on them for anything. Life can always seem to get in the way of seeing friends, but it's important to take time out of your life to ensure that you have a little "me" time! Even if you have to schedule it in, it's worth it! If we end up seeing each other more than that once a month breakfast date, that it's an added bonus!
If you are lucky enough to live near a Milestones Grill + Bar, try and partake in their Monday Girl's Night Out! 4 Bellini's. 4 Appetizer's. $40. You cannot beat that price, especially since the cheapest appetizer is $7.49 and the Bellini's go for $6.49. I usually do not like alcohol; not beer, coolers, wine, mixed drinks...yuck!... but I love me a Bellini!
It's a "frozen blend of premium white rum, peach liqueur and sparkling white wine, topped with Boone's sangria". Doesn't that make your mouth water?! And if you're not full of Bellini's and app's and have room to share a desert, Milestones offers a "Break-up Tub" of cookie dough ice cream, double chocolate cookie and caramel... just please don't get me started on the stereotype of a name is has... :/
If you are lucky enough to have amazing girlfriends like I do, please celebrate them. Call them and ask how their week has been, or even send them an email saying that you're thinking about them. A close friendship, or sisterhood as I call it, is hard to come by, so don't let it slip through the cracks of your, up early, busy day at work, soccer game, dance practice, dinner cooking, kids to bed, filled day; your friends are ALWAYS worth the time to slow down and appreciate.
Category bellini, ice cream, milestones bar + grill, sex and the city, sisterhood

- norelle & co.
- we all have places go to, things to do, and people to see. i am a mom, a forever student, a soon-to-be teacher, an earth sympathizer, and a want-to-be do it yourselfer. this is the way i see life, with all the things i love about it.