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mabel's labels


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 by

Can you believe summer is almost half way over?!  Now, my Miss. Norelle isn't quite school aged yet (she'll start junior kindergarten next September), but I can't help but think of all the supplies she'll need.  I always remember my mom labeling everything of mine; we even had a special fabric marker handy in one of our kitchen cupboards in case she needed to label something of mine quickly.

Labeling is a smart way to keeps kids stuff organized, and to insure they come home with the right stuff!  As much as my mom's marker trick worked for me as a kid, many kids clothes now a days have ironed on labels, and the marker would bleed right through ruining the clothes; boo!

If thinking of labeling is stressing you out... have I found the site for you!? Mabel's Labels is a increditible online store FULL of iron-on labels, waterproof labels, shoe labels, clothing labels, baby labels, ALLERGY labels, household labels, stationary products... you name it, they have it!  Their designs are so cute, and colourful; trust me, your kids won't be embarassed of these labels!

They even have combo packs starting at $30.  Also, Mabel's Labels is such a charitable company, they often do fundraisers.  If you plan on browsing, or purchasing anything, please visit  The procedes from this fundraiser will go my my cousins, cousin's daughter who has Lukemia.  Kaitlyn was 2 1/2 years old when she was recently diagnosed with Lukemia, but with the strength, love and support from her family, she has proven to be an extremely strong and brave little girl, and this is a battle she can surely win.  Here is more information on Kaitlyn's story.  My cousin Stacey has done such an amazing job rallying for Kaitlyn, holding benefit parties, fundraisers, and working with Mabel's Labels for Kaitlyn.

Why not help your life be a little less stressful and get more organized, all while helping out a great cause.  As for Summer slowly disappearing, soak it up while it's here!


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we all have places go to, things to do, and people to see. i am a mom, a forever student, a soon-to-be teacher, an earth sympathizer, and a want-to-be do it yourselfer. this is the way i see life, with all the things i love about it.